Name: Ephriam Fosu
City/Town: Plattsburgh
Are you originally from the area? If no, what brought you here?
No, I am not. I was born in Ghana, but grew up in England. After few years I moved to the States (NYC). I was recruited after High School to play soccer for North Country CC back in 2008 and since then I have been here.
How long have you been an ADKYP Member?
I recently became a member.
What do you do for fun?
I love watching and playing soccer. If I am not doing either one. I do love to write ( poetry )
What is a fun fact about yourself?
I was adopted.
Do you have any business or life tips you can share with others?
“Never Failure Always a Lesson”
What is your guilty pleasure (TV show, sweet treat, etc.)?
Binge-watching TV shows.
Have you done business with another ADKYP Member?
Not yet.
What is your dream vacation spot?
Somewhere tropical with a lot of coconut tree around (because I am a sucker for coconut water)
What are you passionate about?
My Family (especially my Daughter)