This year the 2nd Annual For the Kids Charity Golf Classic will be a 27 hole, 16 player, 2 team match. Team Trombley will be defending the title playing for JCEO, and Team Craig is looking for a comeback playing for the United Way. Who is your money on?
Team Craig
Matt Craig
Ryan Lee
Nicholas Bracy
Forrest Edwards
Craig De Boos
Meghan Strong
Joel Wood
Adam Scharf
Team Trombley
Gaelan Trombley
Jared Burns
Steven LaBombard
Mike Rowe
Jeff Stitt
Alec Odnoha
Scott Cota
Amel Varga
The teams are decided and the competition is heating up. What team will win this year Craig or Trombley will find out on 10-10-2020. Please help us make this our best fundraising year yet, donate below!